Ankle and Foot Pain

Most people will experience foot or ankle pain at some point in their lives. It is one of your body’s most complex regions made up of 26 bones and 33 small joints that are held together by a network of soft tissue that includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels.



Signs of Ankle and Foot Pain
Pain and Swelling

Burning or dull pain and swelling around ankle joint, joints of foot, and toes.

Burning or Numbness

Feeling of burning pain around heel area or tingling and numbness in the sole of foot and toes.

Joint Stiffness

Stiffness around the ankle joint and joint of foot, tendons or muscles.

Difficulty in walking

Restricted range of motion causing difficulty in moving the ankle joint hampering walking, running, climbing stairs..



What causes Ankle and Foot Pain

Different types of arthritis can cause pain in the ankle and foot region.

Sprain, and Strain

Pain, and swelling due to overstretching or tear of a ligament or muscle.


Direct injury to bones, muscles, and ligaments caused due to a hit or fall.


Our Process

How do we cure your pain
Step 1

Medical HistoryPhysio enquires about the origin of pain
Step 2

Clinical ExaminationPhysio makes you do guided movements to identify the root cause of pain
Step 3

Medical ReportsPhysio matches the findings with MRI, CT Scans & Blood reports
Step 4

Personalized TreatmentPhysio educates about the reason of the pain using 3D Tech. & creates a personalized treatment plan
Step 5

Physio-supervised ExercisesOur dedicated physio will sit with you one-on-one on a daily basis to guide you through your exercise plan and ensure you’re on track to achieve your health objectives