Neck Pain

Neck pain affects 10% to 20% of all adults. It is more common in women and  It is more likely to develop as you get older. If left untreated, neck pain can disrupt your daily activities and can cause lower quality of life.



Signs of Neck Pain
Persistent Pain

Continuous or intermittent stabbing or burning pain at the back of the neck.


Pain traveling from the back of the head to the top.


Shooting pain, numbness, and tingling sensation traveling down from the neck to the arms and fingers.

Restricted Range

Inability to move neck to the right and left and side to side more than a certain restricted range.



What causes Neck Pain
Physical Strain

Overusing your neck muscles during repetitive or strenuous activities can lead to stiffness and pain.


Trauma and other injuries can cause damage to your spinal cord’s muscles, ligaments, discs, vertebral joints, and nerve roots, resulting in neck pain. Whiplash is a common injury that causes neck pain in car accidents.

Poor Posture

Poor alignment can contribute to neck pain. Neck pain is commonly caused by straining your neck to view a computer screen for extended periods of time.

Older age

Natural wear and tear can cause parts of your cervical spine to deteriorate or degenerate as you age, causing pain. Neck pain can be caused by degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis (wearing down of joint cartilage) and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spaces in your spine).

Pathological issues

Neck pain is a symptom of many health conditions, including meningitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer.


Our Process

How do we cure your pain
Step 1

Medical HistoryPhysio enquires about the origin of pain
Step 2

Clinical ExaminationPhysio makes you do guided movements to identify the root cause of pain
Step 3

Medical ReportsPhysio matches the findings with MRI, CT Scans & Blood reports
Step 4

Personalized TreatmentPhysio educates about the reason of the pain using 3D Tech. & creates a personalized treatment plan
Step 5

Physio-supervised ExercisesOur dedicated physio will sit with you one-on-one on a daily basis to guide you through your exercise plan and ensure you’re on track to achieve your health objectives