Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common complaint affecting people of all ages. More than 15 crore Indians suffer from knee problems, imposing a huge health burden on the country.


Signs of Knee Pain

Swelling, and Warmth

Knee joint becomes swollen and warm upon touch, it can happen due to multiple reasons.

Joint Stiffness

Knee joint can become stiff and tight along with the surrounding muscle tightness.

Popping Noise

There can be a crackling or popping sound heard while moving the knee joint. It is a cause of concern if crackling is associated with pain.

Restricted Movement

Daily chores become difficult due to restricted joint range.


What causes Knee Pain


A direct injury caused to the knee joint, ligaments, meniscus, or muscles.

Mechanical Problems

Knee joint being subluxated or dislocated or muscles imbalance due to improper loading.


One of the most common causes of knee pain, due to different types of arthritis affecting knee joint.

Lack of strength and Flexibility

A lack of strength and flexibility can increase the chances of knee injuries. Strong muscles help stabilize and protect your joints, and muscle flexibility can help you achieve a full range of motion.



Our Process

How do we cure your pain

Step 1

Medical HistoryPhysio enquires about the origin of pain

Step 2

Clinical ExaminationPhysio makes you do guided movements to identify the root cause of pain

Step 3

Medical ReportsPhysio matches the findings with MRI, CT Scans & Blood reports

Step 4

Personalized TreatmentPhysio educates about the reason of the pain using 3D Tech. & creates a personalized treatment plan

Step 5

Physio-supervised ExercisesOur dedicated physio will sit with you one-on-one on a daily basis to guide you through your exercise plan and ensure you’re on track to achieve your health objectives